Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Still missing the beach

Here are a couple more pictures that didn't get posted last time. We loved seeing everyone's Halloween costumes! You all looked great and we wish we could have been there!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Sometimes I think we forget how much we miss our family until we spend time with them.... It was so much fun spending time with the Carberry family. We had an amazing time playing in the sunshine and ocean and are now members of the exclusive "Baja Fish Taco Club!" The boys are incredible (Joe included) and spending time with Jenelle is like a breath of fresh air! Russ loved playing in the ocean and I surprised myself by how much I liked paddle-boarding. We miss living in the same town as these guys but it was great to see where their lives have taken them!

I put a bunch of pictures on this post....in absolutely no order what so ever.

Jenelle said that Russ was living with them in Steamboat when Sam took his first steps. Russ really enjoyed being with Evan when he was so close to walking on his own!
The boys getting ready for a surf session! I'm pretty sure that Russ' wetsuit was a little tight!

Future kayaker #1

I think this was a slow motion "crash" that Sam was preforming for the camera!

Mama and baby soaking up the sun in Laguna Beach

Sam was very capable of walking down this ramp on his own but Aunt Julie decided he needed a little extra help

Does this kid look excited or what!?

I'm pretty sure that most of you have been to this beach.....it was a really beautiful beach!

We had so much fun at the beach. Jenelle made an amazing dinner and we had a bonfire. It was super cute watching Sam and Evan chase bunnies around the park.

Future kayaker #2

I was so excited to see Sammy when he woke up the morning after we got there!
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I thought Sam was excited when we buried him by himself....but getting buried in sand with Uncle Russ was way more fun!